Slavica TerGestina (Jan 1997)
К вопросу о трансформации и компенсации (<i>Весна и ночь </i>Фофанова в переводе Рильке)
R. M. Rilke visited Russia twice at the turn of the century, first in 1899 then in 1900. During the months between the two trips, he even started to study Russian and started to do some literary translation. Among others, he translated the poem Vesna i noč (Spring and Night) by a contemporary poet, K. M. Fofanov into German. Compared to the original text, Rilke's translation shows considerable lexical and semantic alteration and addition, retaining, at the same time, Fofanov's rhymes. The paper intends to present some examples of the poetic word-creation so characteristic of Rilke's life-work as well as the relationship between Fofanov's poem and Rilke's early poems.