Revista Científica Arbitrada de la Fundación MenteClara (Apr 2019)
Analysis of Ciberjournalism in Mexico, with emphasis on the state of Sinaloa
A review and analysis of the cyberjournalism in Mexico is made, with emphasis on the Sinaloa state, taking into account the main works of renowned researchers in the cyberjournalism in Latin America and Mexico and an investigation was made about the current state of digital journalism in the state of Sinaloa. It covers the main antecedents of digital journalism at national and state level; as well as, the discussion on the current problems and future perspectives. In Mexico, there have been isolated cases of research on the development and performance of Mexican digital newspapers, with only a few texts about this informative activity; all of them disjointed, so it can not be considered that there is a clear attempt at the national level to unveil the particularities of Mexican cyberjournalism; The Mexican academy has a deficit at this point. There are few works that describe the development and analysis of digital journalism in Mexico and few antecedents for the state of Sinaloa; and that in both cases, there is a discontinuous information, observing that the cyberjournalism in Mexico and Sinaloa is within the early stages of its development. An interesting trend detected in this analysis was that several of the most valued cybermedia belong to the northwestern area of Mexico, formed by the states of Sinaloa, Sonora and Baja California Norte, which indicates a positive competition trend in that region and a clear advance in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico.