Caminho Aberto: Revista de Extensão do IFSC (Mar 2018)
Extensão como mediação didática: troca de experiências e saberes no Quilombo São José da Serra
What do we gain when we exchange knowledge, when we experience other cultures and ways of inhabiting the world? This text relates elementary ethnic-racial issues to the reports of our learning experiences initiated in the extension project "Quilombo São José da Serra: valorization of Afro-Brazilian culture and memory in Valença (RJ)". With the proposal of sharing traditional and academic knowledge and approaching school (Cefet / RJ) and community, the activities are developed in the common area of Quilombo São José, mainly with children and young people. As the main results, we cite the approval of quilombola students in the Cefet - Valença campus, the pedagogical and existential gain of the school connection with ancestral quilombola knowledge, and the exercise of an emancipatory education.