Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2010)
The specification of consumer satisfaction in tourism with the use of geographic IT tools
Tourism is globally considered to be one of the most prospective and dynamic economic branches. However, with respect to highly competitive environment of tourism it has to be professionally organized and managed. The presented article aims to show possibilities of interconnecting marketing tools with the potential of spatial modelling with the objective of making decision-making processes in tourism easier and more efficient (for companies, clients as well as destination managements). The paper deals with the modification of the customer satisfaction measurement model in tourism with possibilities of spatial modelling tools. In the publication the ECSI model (European Customer Satisfaction Index) is modified for the area of tourism, with respect to the fact that the obtained values of ECSI indexes can be utilized as introductory data for spatial modelling. The potential of the ECSI utilization is seen as a tool for managing decision-making processes in the area of increasing the quality of tourism services by force of a detailed analysis and quantification of customer satisfaction. If we process the date about satisfaction from monitoring CzechTourism, and if we apply the use date on described ESCI model (the part satisfaction), we see, that the visitors are the most satisfaction with helpfulness (interval 73−87 %), namely in South-Bohemian, South-Moravian, and Zlin region, at least in Midle-Bohemian region. Obtaining own data and their following application and evaluation according to the modified ESCI model for all tourist regions will be the part of a follow-up research. The aim will be to summarize recommendations for individual regions in such a way that they have enough information for more successful utilization of their potential for the development of tourism.