Praxis Medica (Jan 2018)
Border zone stroke within the cerebral medial artery vascular territories and cardiovascular risk factors
Introduction: During the course and development of diverse cardiological diseases different central nervous system complications may develop. These are most frequently related to the nature of the cardiovascular entity itself. Aim: To evaluate the association between atherogenesis factors and border zones strokes within the cerebral medial artery vascularization territories. Methods: In total 30 patients were enrolled in the study. Stroke diagnosis was based according to clinical and neurological examination and brain CT findings. The study analyzed risk factors correspondingly to World Health Organization criteria. Results: In majority of patients (18; 60%) arterial hypertension was diagnosed. Additionally, following condition and risk factors were identified: cardiological diseases (17; 23.3%), cigarette smoking (13, 43.3%), hypercholeterolaemia (9; 30%) and diabetes (7; 23.3%). In the group with cardiological diseases most frequent was myocardial infarction (9; 56.2%), AV block II and III (5, 29.4%), atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response (3; 17.6%). Conclusion: Results of the study point to conclusion that myocardial infarction, AV block II and III, atrial fibrillation with slow ventricular response, iatrogenic hypertension and traditional risk factors for atherogenesis significantly influences presentation of the border zone strokes within the cerebral medial artery vascularization territories.