Politeja (Dec 2015)

Zasady dostępu do telewizji i wykorzystywania jej jako środka politycznej komunikacji marketingowej w Zjednoczonym Królestwie Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii Północnej

  • Jakub Żurawski

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 9 (39)


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Rules for access to television as the medium of marketing political communication in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland The author describes the principles of the use of television by politicians in the United Kingdom. First of all, the rules under the Communications Act 2003, the Royal Charter and Agreement for the BBC and documents issued by the Office of Communications are discussed. The role of ministers’ announcement as a tool available for the members of the government is emphasized. In the key part of the article the author analyzes and comments on the rules of allocation and emission of political party broadcasts (PPBs) and party election broadcasts (PEBs). These programmes are transmitted by both the BBC and commercial televisions. Afterwards, the author discusses the differences between major and minor parties, and then the existing ban on paid political advertising. Finally, the author points to the nature of the British political broadcasts system and its possible grounds.
