Revista Vasca de Administración Pública (Apr 2019)
Convenio de Aarhus, Derecho Europeo y aplicación ratione temporis de la regla sobre costes procesales no excesivamente onerosos. Comentario al asunto Klohn v. an Bord Pleanála, Sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 17 de octubre de 2018
This comment examines the judgment of the European Court of Justice in a case regarding the rule of not prohibitively expensive judicial proceedings as set out in the Aarhus Convention and in EU Directive 2003/35. The Court ratifies that the Convention lacks of direct effect in this respect (Article 9.4) as it happens in the case of the Directive (Article 10a). However, the Court applies the Aarhus rule in a case consisting of two consecutive decisions on costs in spite of being a procedure initiated before the deadline for the implementation of the Directive. The judgment also highlights the uncertainty caused by the Irish system for specifying procedural costs. Palabras Clave en Castellano