Botanica Serbica (Oct 2021)
Nomenclatural questions on the hybrids between Verbascum chaixii s.l. and V. lanatum
A study of the names used for the hybrids described between Verbascum chaixii (subsp. chaixii, subsp. austriacum) and V. lanatum is presented. On the basis of the historical background of these names and the examination of specimens, the neotypification of Borbas’ V. semilanatum (V. chaixii subsp. austriacum × V. lanatum) is proposed on a specimen preserved at GB. A new nothospecies (V. tommasinianum Sutory) is proposed for the hybrid between V. chaixii subsp. chaixii and V. lanatum (holotype at BRNM, isotypes at WU and COI).