Zhongguo youzhi (Apr 2024)
贵州黔东南州野生油料植物资源调查分析Investigation and analysis of wild oil plant resources in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province
旨在为贵州黔东南州野生油料植物资源开发利用提供基础数据,采用分季节多次线路调查和重点区域样地调查以及访问村民相结合的调查方法,对黔东南州野生油料植物资源进行了调查和特征分析。结果表明:黔东南州野生油料植物资源较为丰富,有71科157属297种,分别占全国油料植物科、属、种的65.74%、39.55%、36.49%,以单种科、单种属最多,从生活型来看,乔木157种,占总种数的52.86%,占绝对优势;黔东南州野生油料植物属的分布特点是以温带分布略占优势,表现为植物区系热带至亚热带向温带过渡的特点;黔东南州野生油料植物主要集中在海拔400~1 000 m,1 000 m以上分布的种较少, β多样性Cody指数测度发现,海拔600~800 m Cody指数最高,生物多样性受海拔影响明显;黔东南州野生油料植物含油量高的种类较多,含油量40%以上的有64种,占总种数的21.55%。建议做好贵州黔东南州乌桕、木姜子类、黄连木、皂荚、山桐子、日本白檀等油料植物的栽培驯化,同时加强对野生油料植物种质资源的保护力度。In order to provide basic data for the development and utilization of wild oil plant resources in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, the wild oil plant resources in Qiandongnan Prefecture were investigated and its characteristics was analyzed by using the method of seasonal multiple line survey, key area sample survey and villagers interview. The results showed that the diversity of wild oil plant resources in Qiandongnan Prefecture was rich, and there were 297 species in 157 genera and 71 families, accounting for 65.74%, 39.55% and 36.49% of oil plant families, genera and species in China, respectively. The largest number of wild oil plants were single family and single genare in Qiandongnan Prefecture. In terms of life type, there were 157 species of arbor, accounting for 52.86% of the total species, which was dominant.The distribution characteristics of wild oil plant genera in Qiandongnan Prefecture was slightly dominated by temperate zone distribution, which was characterized by the transition from tropical zone to subtropical zone to temperate zone. In Qiandongnan Prefecture, wild oil plants mainly concentrated in the altitude of 400-1 000 m, and few species distributed above 1 000 m. The β diversity Cody index results showed that the Cody index of 600-800 m was the highest; and the wild oil plant biodiversity was obviously affected by altitude. There were more wild oil plants with high oil content in Qiandongnan Prefecture, and 64 species with oil content above 40%, accounting for 21.55% of the total species. It is recommended to do a good job in the cultivation and domestication of oil plants in Qiandongnan Prefecture, Guizhou Province, such as Sapium sebifera, Litsea pungens Hemsl, Pistacia chinensis, Gleditsia sinensis, Idesia polycarpa, Symplocos paniculata and other oil plants, and strengthen the protection of wild oil plant germplasm resources.