Data in Brief (Aug 2018)
Draft genome sequence of Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia)
The Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia), a member of the family Rosaceae, is one of the most important fruit trees in Japan. This article documents the public availability of the partial draft genome sequence data of the Japanese pear strain TH3, which is the S1 of ‘Osa-Nijisseiki’ and is homozygous for the S4sm gene. This dataset may be used to prepare molecular markers for breeding of new cultivars having a crisp texture and feel. This data will also help research on physiological disorders affecting Japanese pear fruit. We sequenced paired-end libraries using Illumina HiSeq. 2500 and generated approximately 212M reads. Data on the draft genome obtained in this study has been deposited to the DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ). The read data were submitted to the DDBJ Read Archive (BioProject: PRJDB6878, BioSample: SAMD00117051).