Asian-European Music Research Journal (Jun 2021)
Book Review of ‘Kirsten Seidlitz. 2020. Musik & Politischer Konflikt aus der Türkei – kurdische, alevitische und linke Musik in Deutschland’ [Music and Political Conflict from Turkey – Kurdish, Alevi, and Leftist Music In Germany]. Bielefeld: Transcript.
This short review essay refers to the book of Kirsten Seidlitz ‘Musik XXABSTRACT Politischer Konflikt aus der Türkei – Kurdische, alevitische und linke Musik in Deutschland [Music and Political Conflict from Turkey – Kurdish, Alevi, and Leftist Music in Germany], which was published in 2020 by the German Transcript Verlag in Bielefeld. It is written in German and addresses many important questions regarding political conflicts and their impact on music among various different Turkish people living in Germany. Migration and political participation are heatedly debated in recent times and also a part of cultural exchange.