Вісник Уманського національного університету садівництва (Dec 2016)
The problem of increasing buckwheat grain production as an extremely valuable cereal crop is now very important. Changeable harvests of this crop are due to the fact that on the one hand, buckwheat reacts rapidly to changing weather conditions, on the other, there is a lack of attention to the technology of its cultivation. Therefore, to obtain high yields of this crop an important role is given to adaptive forms that can implement genetic potential of productivity under unstable growth conditions, as well as improving the technology of its cultivation. It is important to get highly productive buckwheat crops provided with high individual productivity of each plant of phytocenosis and optimal growth arrangement over the area. The solution to this problem can be solved by a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical foundations of the harvest development. The efficiency of the production process depends on many conditions including physiological characteristics of plant species.The higher yield of plants is provided by the more complete variety of necessary conditions.At the same time, although, climatic factors are predictable, they are uncontrolled. The problem of managing the production process of agricultural crops in agricultural ecosystems is very important in crop production. Thus, due to the predicted global climate change and strengthening of soil degradation processes, its importance will increase in future. Plant production processes can be controlled by manual, chemical and biological corrections. Using these correction methods of plant productivity creates the necessary conditions for plant growth and development ensuring crop yields. Thus, the biological correction promotes additional yield increase and improvement of the quality of crop production and biological protection substances provide its preservation.