Известия Уральского федерального университета. Серия 2: Гуманитарные науки (Mar 2021)

Russian Literature in the Works of Three Generations of Hungarian Scholars. Review of: Kroó, K., & Bóna, E. (Eds.). (2018). Golosa russkoi filologii iz Budapeshta: literaturovedenie i iazykoznanie na kafedre russkogo iazyka i literatury Universiteta im. Loranda Etvesha [Voices of Russian Philology from Budapest: Literary Studies and Linguistics at the Department of Russian Literature and Language of Eötvös Lorбnd University]. Budapest: ELTE. 274 p. Izvestiya Uralskogo federalnogo universiteta. Seriya 2: Gumanitarnye nauki, 23(1), 307–315.

  • Dmitry Vladimirovich Spiridonov

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 23, no. 1
pp. 307 – 315


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This paper looks at the collection of articles entitled Voices of Russian Philology from Budapest, published in 2018 under the editorship of Prof. Katalin Kroу. The collection gives a recapitulation of several generations of Russian studies produced by scholars affiliated with Eцtvцs Loránd University. The book contains works on both Russian literature and language; however, the review focuses solely on the papers dealing with various aspects of the history of Russian literature covering a large period from Pushkin to Ulitskaya. The reviewer points out a significant thematic diversity of the reviewed papers: some authors elaborate on rather conventional topics (such as Vladimir Solovyov’s historical philosophy, autobiographic elements in Herzen’s prose, poetics of detail in Chekhov’s works, etc.), while others develop relatively new issues. Some articles are of interest from the methodological point of view. The quality of articles collected in this volume proves that despite the fact that the Russian language no longer retains its status in contemporary Hungary, Russian studies still keep a high profile.
