Theoretical and Applied Economics (May 2024)
Examining the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in the Romanian education system: a case study perspective
As the world transitions into the era of Education 4.0, characterized by rapid technological advancements, countries like Romania are compelled to navigate through challenges while embracing opportunities to adapt their education systems accordingly. This paper delves into an examination of the challenges and opportunities arising from the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Romanian education system, employing a case study perspective. Drawing upon theoretical insights and actions proposed by Romanian authorities, this research scrutinizes the measures taken to align with the evolving educational landscape. By juxtaposing these actions with European Union regulations, the study evaluates the degree of implementation and assesses Romania’s readiness to meet the demands of the global educational paradigm shift. Through this analysis, the paper aims to shed light on the positioning of the Romanian education system within the framework of Education 4.0, contributing to the existing literature on educational transformations. Furthermore, it endeavours to elucidate arguments both in favour of and against the alignment of Romania with emerging educational trends, thereby offering valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and stakeholders involved in shaping the future of Romanian education.