Revista de Saúde Pública (Jun 1985)
Reações locais e níveis de antitoxina circulante decorrentes de administração do toxóide tetânico: estudo comparativo entre Ped-o-Jet e seringa hipodérmica Local reactions and antitoxin levels induced by the administration of tetanus toxoid: a comparative study between Ped-o-Jet and hypodermic syringe
Com o objetivo de comparar reações locais e conversão sorológica apresentadas por adultos que receberam o toxóide tetânico através de Ped-o-Jet (via subcutânea) ou de seringa hipodérmica (via intramuscular), o toxóide foi administrado a 472 recrutas do Exército. Em observações realizadas 4 e 24 horas após a vacinação verificou-se que as reações locais dos indivíduos vacinados com Ped-o-Jet eram significativamente mais freqüentes e mais intensas do que aquelas dos vacinados com seringa hipodérmica, não tendo ocorrido, entretanto, reações graves. A conversão sorológica dos não imunes vacinados com Ped-o-Jet ocorreu numa freqüência maior do que nos indivíduos vacinados com seringa hipodérmica. Conclui-se portanto, que o Ped-o-Jet pode ser utilizado em campanhas de vacinação em massa contra o tétano, embora a via de administração preferencial, até o momento, seja a intramuscular.This paper deals with the administration of tetanus toxoid to 472 army recruits, 50% of which received the vaccine subcutaneously using a Ped-o-Jet pressure injector and the remaining subjects received the vaccine intramuscularly, with hypodermic syringe and needle. The objective was to draw comparative conclusions regarding local reactions and serumconvertion in those young adults. Local reactions were observed four and 24 hours after immunization. Although significantly more frequent and intense in individuals receiving the toxoid by jet injection than in those inoculated with hypodermic syringe, no serious reactions were registered. At the first observation, local reactions occured in 64% of black men vaccinated by Ped-o-Jet and in only 31% of those vaccinated by syringe; 70% of the non-black showed local reactions when vaccinated by Ped-o-Jet and 21% when vaccinated by hypodermic syringe. At the second observation, black men vaccinated by Ped-o-Jet showed local reactions in 78% of the cases and in 3% when vaccinated by syringe; 87% of the non-black had some kind of local reaction when vaccinated by Ped-o-Jet and 17% when the vaccine was administered by syringe. Systemic reactions did not differ in either group. There was no statistical difference between blacks and non-blacks regarding local reactions. Antibody response to vaccination as measured by the paper filter Whatman # 31 technique, after digital punction, occured in a higher frequency in non-immune individuals vaccinated by Ped-o-Jet than in those vaccinated by hypodermic syringe. While in the first ones only 6.6% did not show serumconvertion, 26.9% of those vaccinated by syringe remained susceptible. The jet injector did not have any performance problems and was well accepted by the subjects, Results led to the conclusion that the Ped-o-Jet can be used for mass vaccination against tetanus.