Anales de Pediatría (Feb 2018)
Características epidemiológicas y clínicas de los lactantes hospitalizados por infecciones por parechovirus humanos. Estudio prospectivo en España
Resumen: Introducción: Los parechovirus humanos (HPeV) son virus de la familia Picornaviridae, recientemente descritos, a los que se atribuyen cuadros de fiebre sin foco (FSF), sepsis clínica, gastroenteritis, meningitis o encefalitis fundamentalmente en lactantes pequeños. Nuestro objetivo fue describir la epidemiología y las características clínicas de las infecciones por HPeV en nuestro medio. Pacientes y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico prospectivo, llevado a cabo en 12 hospitales a nivel nacional, entre 2013-2015, en niños 3 meses. Todos los pacientes presentaron fiebre, el 45% irritabilidad, el 18,6% exantema y el 14% diarrea. No se observa ninguna alteración específica en las pruebas bioquímicas. El diagnóstico final más frecuente fue FSF (61%) seguido de sepsis clínica (29%). Aunque un 29% de los niños precisaron ingreso en cuidados intensivos, solo un paciente presentó secuelas. Conclusiones: Los HPeV circulan en nuestro país, afectando fundamentalmente a lactantes < 2 meses y se asocian a FSF y sepsis clínica, con un predominio en primavera y verano. Sería de interés implementar las técnicas moleculares de diagnóstico en todos los hospitales para reconocer y manejar adecuadamente estas infecciones. Abstract: Introduction: Human parechovirus (HPeV) is one of the recently described picornaviridae viruses that have been associated with fever of unknown origin (FUO), clinical sepsis, gastroenteritis, meningitis, or encephalitis in very young infants. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiology and clinical features of these viruses. Patients and methods: A prospective multicentre 3-year study was conducted in 12 hospitals in Spain. Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%), with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae. Results: Out of 850 specimens examined, 47 were positive (5.52%) for HPeV, with HPeV-3 being the most frequent (29 cases). Infections occurred throughout the year, but mainly in May and July, and a biennial distribution was observed. More than half (57%) were neonates, and only 2 children were older than 3 months. Fever was present in all children, with irritability in 45%, rash in 18.6%, and diarrhoea in 14%. The results of biochemical tests were all in normal range. The most common final diagnosis was FUO (61%), followed by clinical sepsis (29%). Up to 29% of infants were admitted to the intensive care unit, but only one patient had sequelae Conclusions: HPeV circulates in our country, mainly during spring and summer, and affects young infants with a FUO and clinical sepsis. Molecular diagnostic techniques in all hospitals could help in improving the management of patients with these infections.