Acta Carsologica (May 2016)
Large Collapse Dolines in Puglia (Southern Italy): The Cases of “Dolina Pozzatina” in the Gargano Plateau and of “Puli” in the Murge
Prispevek opisuje največjo udornico na planoti Gargano in druge velike udornice (puli) v pokrajini Puglia v južni Italiji. Avtorja predlagata razlago nastanka in razvoja teh vrtač: sovpadanje tektonskih dogodkov, kraških korozijskih procesov ter transgresijskih in regresijskih ciklov. The paper deals with the description of the largest doline of Gargano and of other large dolines (puli) of Puglia in southern Italy aiming to suggest an interpretation of their origin and development, in relationship with tectonic events, karst corrosion processes, and transgressive and regressive cycles.