中西医结合护理 (Jun 2023)
Postoperative nursing of a patient with lumbar disc herniation (1例腰椎间盘突出症患者的术后护理体会)
This paper summarized the postoperative nursing of a patient undergoing surgery for lumbar disc herniation. Based on the comprehensive nursing assessment and analysis of key nursing issues, targeted nursing interventions including pain control, dietary guidance, catheter maintenance, postoperative functional exercise and prevention of complications were carried out to improve the recovery of the patient. (本文总结1例腰椎间盘突出症患者的术后护理体会。在完善术后护理评估的基础上, 明确护理问题并制定护理计划, 实施针对性护理措施, 包括疼痛控制、饮食指导、管路维护、术后功能锻炼和并发症预防, 促进患者康复。)