فصلنامه خانواده پژوهی (Jun 2017)
The Viewpoints of Iranian Mothers on Child-Parent Co-Sleeping: A Qualitative Study Based on the Culture-Approached Theory of Developmental Niche
This study investigates the attitude of mothers towards the phenomenon of co-sleeping, based on Super and Harkens’s Developmental Niche Theory. Semi-structured interviews were administered with 13 mothers of at least one 3 to 6 years old child, in two groups of co-sleepers and separate sleepers. Qualitative and phenomenological approach and Colaizzi method of analysis was used. Data were categorized based on the sub-systems of Niche theory. In socio-physical situation subsystem the role of siblings and frequent absence of the father or his agreement were mentioned as reason for Co-sleeping. In both culturally regulated customs of child care and the psychology of the caretakers subsystems, despite believing in the role of co-sleeping in affectional relationships, the separate-sleeper mothers committed to set their child sleep in child’s room in order to achieve independency and reduce the fear of loneliness. Both groups mentioned the effects of being concerned about child awareness of sexual relationships and the effect of child’s temperament on the way of sleeping. In order to form a strong affectional relationship, parents believe that co-sleeping until the end of breast-feeding and sometimes until preschool seems to be necessary. Parents’ tendency to separate the child in preschool age is due to reducing dependency and preventing early awareness of sexual relationships. In general, mothers do not consider co-sleeping up to preschool years as unusual.