Jurnal Wilayah dan Lingkungan (Aug 2015)

Permasalahan Kelembagaan Pemanfaatan Waduk Darma untuk Kegiatan Budidaya Keramba Jaring Apung di Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat

  • Amelia Indah Hermawaty

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3, no. 2
pp. 95 – 104


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Darma Reservoir is one of water resources in Kuningan that potentially used to fulfill needs for clean water. In Darma Reservoir, there are many Keramba Jaring Apung. But, Keramba Jaring Apung (KJA) is not appropriate to PP Number 37 Year 2010. The KJA is increase massive impact on environmental degradation around Darma Reservoir. Institutional utilization Darma suspected to be the root of the problem that needs to be studied. This study was analyze the problems of institutional bertujun Darma use for fishing activities Jamba Floating Cage (KJA) in Kuningan regency, West Java. Qualitative approach is used in this study are supported by data from interviews to the national and local governments and farmers KJA. KJA are increasingly massive impact on environmental degradation around Darma Reservoir. Institutional utilization Darma suspected to be the root of the problem that needs to be studied. This study has an objective to analyze the problems of Darma institutional correlates to fishing activities Jamba Floating Cage (KJA) in Kuningan regency, West Java. The results showed that the use of institutional Darma not going well seen from the aspect of policies, roles and responsibilities, and coordination stakeholders. From the aspect of the policy, there is overlapping of regulations between the central government and local governments, there is no licensing procedures shall apply to the activities of KJA, and lack of socialization of policies and rules of the use of cages to the public and relevant institutions. From the aspect of the role and authority, there is a change in the authority of local governments to the central government, human resources to manage Darma Reservoir quality is still low, dab KJA fishing activities which are not well coordinated. Then, from the aspect of coordination, there is no direct coordination between agencies involved in the utilization of reservoirs, Coordination Team Water Resource Management (TKPSDA) as a coordination forum has not gone well, and the missing link between central government and local governments through BBWS. Government as the authority can make a model of the relationship with the institutional concept of integrated administrative system in order to create a harmonious relationship between the central government and local governments.
