The Pan African Medical Journal (Jan 2021)
Retroperitoneal dermoid cyst in a young boy
A 12-year-old boy presented with history of pain in the right flank for last the 6 months. He had no associated urinary or bowel complains. Abdominal palpation revealed a non-tender lump was felt in the right lumbar region. Lump was firm with a well-defined margin and was not moving with the respiration. The blood investigations were within normal limits. An abdominal CT scan was obtained that showed a well-defined, heterogeneous mass in right suprarenal region measuring 11.5 x 11 cm. The lesion contained fat and soft tissue attenuation along with areas of calcification. The right kidney was displaced inferiorly and the right adrenal gland was not seen separately from the lesion. Based on the physical examination and radiological findings a provisional diagnosis of retroperitoneal dermiod cyst was made.