Physical Activity Journal (Oct 2021)
Evaluasi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani Berbasis Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Menengah Atas
The curriculum is a program that is used as a guide for the implementation oflearning that contains subject matter so that educational goals can be achieved.The curriculum that is being implemented in Indonesia is the 2013 Curriculum.The subjects in the 2013 Curriculum are Physical Education, Sports and Health.The problem that arises is that the teacher has not implemented learning thatencouragesactivestudentinvolvement,thelearningtimeisnotappropriate, the assessmentsystemappliedisnotinaccordancewiththe2013Curriculumstandards.Thisstudyaimstodeterminetheimplementationofthe2013Curriculum PJOK learning in Banyumas Regency. surveys. The sample in thisstudy were 26 teachers and 828 high school students equivalent. The dataanalysistechniqueuseddescriptivestatistics.Theresultsshowedthattheresultsof the implementation of PJOK learning in the teacher aspect were 85%, studentaspects82.8%,corecompetenceimplementationaspects87.5%,learningprocessimplementation aspects86.1%,assessmentimplementationaspects80.3%, activity aspects preliminary activities 87.6%, aspects of core activities80.6%, and aspects of closing activities 76.6%. The conclusion based on dataanalysis shows that the implementation of the 2013 Curriculum PJOK learning inBanyumas Regency is in the good category. Further research needs to identifythe implementation of physical education learning at different levels of education,or comparetheevaluation methods used.