Гуманитарные и юридические исследования (Sep 2021)
At the present stage of development of new technologies, much attention has recently been paid to artificial intelligence. The article is devoted to artificial intelligence and robotization. Artificial intelligence refers to the technology of creating computer programs, while such programs work as learning systems, accumulate experience, collect information, know how to analyze and make assessments, and apply accumulated knowledge in everyday life. It is concluded that all over the world there is no single legislative act in the ield of artiicial intelligence and the use of robots. Many experts propose changes to existing laws governing speciic areas related to artiicial intelligence. It was noted that of great importance for the development of digital technologies and artiicial intelligence in the inancial ield, as one of the important areas of the digital economy is the improvement of inancial services, information security, protection of personal data, etc. In accordance with the new capabilities of artiicial intelligence, it is important to determine artificial intelligence - this is the subject or object of legal relations. Moreover, this is a deining moment in various systems of legislation. At the present stage, the development of artiicial intelligence also occurs with the use of robots, their behavior. In this regard, the next important step is to determine the legal concepts of technologies used in the process of artiicial intelligence, and is there a need to separate robotics and robot law separately into an independent ield of research, as happens in foreign law. The article analyzes the norms of Great Britain and Estonia on the regulation of artificial intelligence and robotization. As a result of the study, the authors concluded that it is necessary to develop programs for the development of robotics, artiicial intelligence in important sectors of the economy and to develop a common concept for the formation and development of the legal regulation of artiicial intelligence, robots and robotics objects.