Chemistry Journal of Moldova: General, Industrial and Ecological Chemistry (May 2019)
Self-purification of Aquatic Media from Hexachlorocyclohexane in a Radical Process
It is known, that highly toxic pesticide hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) is resistant to decomposition and has a long-term accumulating capacity. Nevertheless, it undergoes complete degradation in reactions with hydroxyl radicals in Fenton-like systems. The goal of this work was to study the influence of HCH on the processes of radical self-purification of water bodies and to explain the mechanisms of chemical transformation of substances occurring in natural waters, as well as to reveal the kinetic characteristics of the processes of radical self-purification of water bodies. It was found, that HCH plays a dual role for aquatic ecosystems – it is not only a scavenger of free radicals, but also an additional initiator. Under the influence of light in the surface layer of water, HCH generates radicals, thus contributing to the self-purification processes.