Advanced Engineering Research (Apr 2021)
Research of physicomechanical and design characteristics of vibrated, centrifuged and vibro-centrifuged concretes
Introduction. Currently, the obtaining of lightweight concrete and reinforced concrete products and structures with the improved structure and characteristics is a challenge. This can be achieved through centrifugation or in a more advanced way — vibro-centrifugation. At the same time, the influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces of inertia in these types of technologies causes differences in the cross-section properties of concrete products and structures. To reflect this in the calculations, it is required to experimentally and analytically investigate the qualitative and quantitative patterns of such differences in the characteristics of concretes obtained through different technologies.Materials and Methods. The study used the cross-section averaged characteristics of concrete — “integral characteristics of concrete”. The applicable raw materials included portland cement 500, crushed stone fraction 5-20, medium sand. Nine control samples of annular cross-section obtained through vibrating, centrifuging, and vibro- centrifugation were manufactured and tested. The essence of the technique was that each manufactured experimental control sample was used in several types of tests in-parallel. From the total annular section of each sample, three conditional quadrants were distinguished, from which standard samples of small size were cut out. Subsequently, they were tested for axial compression, tension, and flexural tension. The following test equipment was used: electronically controlled mechanical press IPS-10 — for compression testing of prisms, and the breaking machine R-10 — for testing samples for axial tension. Strain sensors and dial indicators were used to measure concrete deformations. Oscilloscopes were also used to obtain the deformative and strength properties of concrete, including full deformation diagrams with descending branches.Results. We have analyzed the calculation results of the integral design characteristics of the concretes obtained through vibration, centrifugation and vibro-centrifugation. It is established that due to the influence of centrifugal and centripetal forces of inertia under centrifugation and vibration centrifugation, the characteristics of concrete in cross-section become different. In some cases, these differences can be very significant. We have developed and tested the following: a new method for evaluating the dependence of the integral (cross–section averaged) design characteristics of concrete (density, cubic and prismatic axial compressive strength); ultimate deformations under axial compression; axial tensile and flexural tensile strength; ultimate deformations under axial tension; elasticity modulus; diagram of “stress ϭb– strain εb” under compression; diagram of “stress ϭbt–strain εbt” under tension on the manufacturing technology (vibrating, centrifuging, vibration centrifugation).Discussion and Conclusions. Based on the results of the research, conclusions are formulated on the positive effect of the proposed technology of joint vibrating and centrifuging. It consists in improving the integral design characteristics and structure of concrete from vibrating to centrifuging and from centrifuging to vibro-centrifuging.