Activités (Oct 2013)
Structurer l’organisation pour développer le pouvoir d’agir : le rôle possible de l’intervention en ergonomie
Practices in ergonomics have been the object of research for many years. The objective of this research is to use concrete cases to proffer generalizations relating to how ergonomists approach situations. We wish to show that ergonomists’ involvement in work transformation projects has evolved. Ergonomists have built an indisputable place among the actors who influence how we work. However, we believe that two major factors now oblige us to think differently about their actions. Firstly, evolutions in the working world, in particular with the increase in service activities; and then new forms of organization which are inevitably forcing us to focus our actions on organizational determinants. Secondly, the evolution of health models allows us to consider this as a construct, supported by the development of individuals and collectives: developing operators within their work environment thus becomes an objective in itself. Taking an intervention as a starting point, we will try to show that ergonomic intervention must have a dual objective and associated devices 1) To support organizational experimentation based on collective work on the management of production issues. This device will be considered as a means of developing on-job-training and organizational regulation. 2) To influence a transformation of the organizational structure and decisional circuits by working with the decision makers.