Revista MENDIVE (Oct 2018)
Upgrade studies for itinerant teachers in Cuba: an historical contextualized study from Pinar del Rio
Itinerant educative attention is a modality of education used in those students with physical-motoric limitations not able to attend to any educative institution for several reasons. The professional in charge to carry out with this issue is the itinerant teacher, who was officially approved in 1985 by means of a resolution from the Ministry of Education, however, the studies show former attention to those scholars with this (currently physical-motoric disability) and different analysis about the process of formation and qualification for the personnel in charge of this attention, allowed us to know the particular characteristics of it in Pinar del Rio province. This article proposes the different stages the process have been through mainly in giving to the itinerant teachers enough of knowledge about psychomotricity in those scholars with physical-motoric disabilities due to cerebral palsy in Pinar del Rio province. Some investigative methods were used such as logical-historical, interviews to exceptional witnesses of itinerant attention, among others, which allowed us making this historical contextualized study. As a result, we stated particular features from facts chronologically ordered; also, we gave light to the main regularities and were established five stages with their own trends within the process.