Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Dec 2003)

Estudo da proporcionalidade corporal de recém-nascidos a termo segundo o Índice Ponderal de Rohrer e grau de retardo de crescimento intra-uterino Study of body proportionality using Rohrer’s Ponderal Index and degree of intrauterine growth retardation in full-term neonates

  • José Carneiro Leão Filho,
  • Pedro Israel Cabral de Lira

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 6
pp. 1603 – 1610


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Trata-se de estudo do tipo observacional, de corte transversal, para descrever as características antropométricas e proporcionalidade corporal de 549 recém-nascidos a termo (RNT). As medidas antropométricas usadas foram: peso (P), comprimento (C), perímetro cefálico (PC), índice ponderal de Rohrer (IP), razão peso/perímetro cefálico (P/PC) e razão comprimento/ perímetro cefálico (C/PC). Também foi estudada a severidade do retardo de crescimento intra-uterino (RCIU), através da distribuição do escore z quanto ao desvio do peso ao nascer. Os recém-nascidos pequenos para idade gestacional (PIG) foram definidos como aqueles com escore z An observational, cross-sectional study was used to describe the anthropometric characteristics of 549 full-term neonates with respect to body proportionality. The anthropometric measures used were: weight (W), length (L), head circumference (HC), Rohrer’s Ponderal Index (PI), W/HC ratio, and L/HC ratio. Severity of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) was studied through z-score distribution. Small-for-gestational-age (SGA) was defined as a z-score value < -2, and the cutoff for PI, W/HC, and L/HC was determined as the mean minus one standard deviation for the local reference population. Based on PI, 72.8% of SGA neonates and 12.8% of appropriate-for-gestational-age (AGA) neonates were disproportionate. Based on the L/HC ratio the results were 25.6% and 11.6%, respectively, while with the W/HC ratio, all SGA and 16.3% of AGA neonates were disproportionate. According to all criteria there was an observed significant linear tendency to increase the disproportionality as IUGR increased.
