Teknika (Nov 2020)
Usulan pengoptimalan tata letak gudang W12 menggunakan kebijakan dedicated storage dengan penerapan simulasi (Studi kasus: PT. XYZ)
PT. XYZ memiliki gudang baru yaitu warehouse 12. Warehouse 12 ini belum memiliki pengaturan mengenai tata letak bahan baku. Adapun bahan baku yang dimaksud adalah bahan baku plate, sheet dan coil, serta material handling-nya yaitu forklift dan truk trailer. Agar menghindari kekeliruan saat penyusunan dan penempatan, diperlukan penempatan yang sifatnya tetap. Oleh karenanya metode dedicated storage digunakan pada penelitian ini. Dari tata letak tersebut diperlukan perbandingan dari kondisi eksisting dan 2 alternatif usulan untuk mengetahui alternatif terbaik agar mendapatkan layout optimal, dan juga diperlukan simulasi menggunakan ProModel untuk perbandingan terkait utilitasnya. Penempatan bahan baku plate, sheet dan coil di warehouse 12 berdasarkan kebijakan dedicated storage dari perbandingan antara throughput dengan space requirement menghasilkan urutan dari yang terbesar sampai terkecil yaitu P2 – P4 – S4 – S3 – S2 – S5 – C4 – P1 – C1 – C5 – P5 – S1 – P3 – C2 – C3. Jumlah biaya material handling pada warehouse 12 berdasarkan kebijakan dedicated storage dengan masing-masing kondisi eksisting, diperoleh total biaya material handling sebesar Rp 2.825.467.122,19 dan untuk kondisi usulan 1 diperoleh total biaya material handling sebesar Rp 2.310.973.601,76 serta untuk kondisi usulan 2 diperoleh total biaya material handling sebesar Rp 142.795.485,50. 5. Persentase utilitas penggunaan alat material handling efisien pada warehouse 12, dimana untuk kondisi eksisting utilitas forklift 1 sebesar 99,86%, forklift 2 sebesar 99,86% dan forklift 3 sebesar 98,10%. Untuk kondisi usulan 1 utilitas forklift 1 sebesar 99,86%, forklift 2 sebesar 99,86% dan forklift 3 sebesar 98,58%. Sedangkan untuk kondisi usulan 2 utilitas forklift 1 sebesar 99,86%, forklift 2 sebesar 99,86% dan forklift 3 sebesar 98,66%. PT. XYZ has a new warehouse, warehouse 12. Warehouse 12 does not have any arrangements regarding the layout of raw materials. The raw materials referred to are plate, sheet, and coil raw materials, as well as material handling, i.e forklifts and trailer trucks. To avoid confusion when drafting and placing, a fixed placement is required. Therefore, the dedicated storage method is used in this study. From this layout, it is necessary to compare the existing conditions and 2 proposed alternatives to find out the best alternative to get the optimal layout, and also a simulation using ProModel is required for comparison related to its utility. Placement of plate, sheet, and coil raw materials in warehouse 12 based on dedicated storage policy, from the comparison between throughput and space requirements, results in the order from largest to smallest, i.e P2 - P4 - S4 - S3 - S2 - S5 - C4 - P1 - C1 - C5 - P5 - S1 - P3 - C2 - C3. The total material handling costs in warehouse 12 based on the dedicated storage policy with each existing condition, obtained a total material handling cost of Rp. 2,825,467,122.19 and for proposed condition 1, the total material handling cost is Rp. 2,310,973,601.76 and for the condition proposal, 2 obtained a total material handling cost of Rp. 142,795,485.50. 5. Percentage of utility for efficient use of material handling tools at warehouse 12, where for the existing conditions the utility for forklift 1 was 99.86%, forklift 2 was 99.86% and forklift 3 was 98.10%. For the proposed condition, forklift 1 utility is 99.86%, forklift 2 is 99.86% and forklift 3 is 98.58%. Meanwhile, for the condition of the proposed 2 utility forklift 1 was 99.86%, forklift 2 was 99.86% and forklift 3 was 98.66%.