Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia (Jun 2019)

Defisit Neurologis Iskemik Tertunda pada Perdarahan Subaraknoid akibat Rupture Aneurisma yang dilakukan Tindakan Coiling

  • Dimas Rahmatisa,
  • MM Rudi Prihatno

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 121 – 31


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Stroke dapat terjadi akibat terhentinya aliran darah ke otak, yang terjadi secara mendadak. Penyebab terbanyak stroke adalah berkurangnya pasokan darah ke otak (stroke iskemik). Penyebab stroke lainnya adalah perdarahan (stroke hemoragik). Perdarahan subaraknoid (SAH) biasanya dapat terjadi baik karena ruptur aneurisma, atau karena trauma. Perempuan, 46 tahun dengan GCS 14 (E4M6V4) dengan hipertensi tidak terkontrol mengalami nyeri kepala hebat. Dari pemeriksaan CT scan memperlihatkan adanya perdarahan subaraknoid dan edema sereberi. Pasien ini dilakukan tindakan coiling aneurisma cito dengan anestesia umum. Pasca coiling pasien dirawat di ruang intensive care unit (ICU). Pasca perawatan 1 hari di ICU, pasien dipindahkan ke ruang high care unit (HCU), dengan kondisi stabil. Penurunan kesadaran mulai terjadi saat perawatan hari kedua, sempat dilakukan pemasangan lumbar drain pada hari ketiga, untuk membantu mengurangi hidrosefalus dan juga menurunkan tekanan intra kranial. Pada perawatan hari ketigabelas kesadaran menurun drastis menjadi E1M1V1, pasien dipindahkan ke ruang ICU, dan meninggal esok harinya. Penurunan kesadaran pasca coiling diakibatkan oleh peningkatan tekanan intra kranial, yang pada kasus ini disebabkan oleh edema sereberi luas. Early Brain Injury ¬ditambah dengan adanya vasopasme menyebabkan terjadinya delayed ischemic neurological deficit. Terapi yang sudah dikerjakan baik farmakologis maupun non farmakologis, tetap tidak bisa memperbaiki keadaan pasien. Delayed Ischemic Neurological Defisit (DIND) Pasca Coiling Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) e.c Ruptur Aneurisma Abstract Stroke can occur due to the cessation of blood flow to the brain, which occurs suddenly. The most common cause of stroke is reduced blood supply to the brain (ischemic stroke). Another cause of stroke is bleeding in the brain (hemorrhagic stroke). Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) usually results from ruptured aneurysms or because of trauma. Women, 46 years old with GCS 14 (E4M6V4) with uncontrolled hypertension experienced severe headache since 2 days before admitted to the hospital. The CT scan examination showed subarachnoid hemorrhage and edema of the brain. This patient then performed emergency coiling of aneurysm with general anesthesia. During the procedure the patient is in stable condition. Post coiling the patient was sent to the ICU room. After 1 day in ICU, the patient was transferred to high care unit (HCU) room, with stable condition. Decreased of consciousness began to occur during the second day of treatment, had done lumbar drain installation on the third day, to help reduce the hydrocephalus and also improve intra-cranial pressure. On the thirteenth day care GCS was decrease suddenly to E1M1V1, the patient was transferred to the ICU room, the next day the patient was declared dead. The decrease of consciousness post coiling results from an increase in intra-cranial pressure, which in this case is due to severe brain edema. Earlu brain injury along with the occurence of vasospasm lead to delayed ischemic neurological deficit. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapy had been given to the patient still couldn’t improve the patient condition
