Cadernos de Tradução (Nov 2011)
Design da semipresencialidade na formação de tradutores técnico-científicos, do português ao espanhol.
The aim of this article is to present the design of a scientific and technical translation subject from Portuguese into Spanish following a blended learning model. Technologies enable the combination of face-to-face sessions with autonomous work and create an area of debate in which learning can be built without limitations of time and space. Its use is also essential in translator training because they allow the student to develop skills that will be necessary for insertion into the labor market. In this article, I explain that 35% of students’ working hours are done face-to-face, and that the teaching proposal is articulated in teaching units that warranty the learning progression. I explain the technological tools that I propose for virtual work and their uses, and the instruments to collect information in order to evaluate the design and, consequently, improve it. The design, although being specific of a scientific and technical translation subject from Portuguese into Spanish, can be extrapolated to any speciality and language combination.