Einstein (São Paulo) (Mar 2006)

Operational mechanisms of anti-obesity surgeries

  • Bruno Geloneze Neto,
  • Victor Fernando Pilla,
  • José Carlos Pareja

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. S1
pp. S120 – S124


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Surgery is the long-term effective treatment for morbid obesity.The mechanisms of action could vary relating to the surgicaltechnique employed. The gastric bypass is based in the reductionof plasmatic levels of ghrelin for post-prandial saciety. Indisabsortive methods (as in Scopinaro and Duodenal Switch) theintestinal hormonal changes plays the dominant factor. There ismarked increase of GLP1, GLP2 and PYY, with reduction of GIP.Regarding to type 2 Diabetes reversion, the entero-insular axischanges (due to duodenal jejunal exclusion) with elevation of GLP1secretion has a prominent role.
