Open Respiratory Archives (Jan 2020)
Prognostic Factors and Analytical Abnormalities in Patients Admitted With the Diagnosis of Influenza in a Third Level Hospital During the 2015–2016 Season
Introduction: Influenza is an acute respiratory illness due to influenza A or B viruses, which is associated with an increased morbidity and mortality in certain high-risk populations, like children, elderly patients and those with multiple comorbidities. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional retrospective analysis including all patients identified with the following ICD 10 codes: J10.0, J10.1, J10.8–11.0, J11.1, J11.8. 258 patients were included. Results: The most frequent strain was influenza A H1N1 (81.8%). We found alterations in blood count in 163 (63.2%) patients and they were more frequent in men. In the case of liver enzymes, we found alterations in 155 (60.1%) patients, being more frequent in men, smokers or former smokers and non-A cases. 22 patients were admitted to the ICU and 20 died during hospital stay. We performed a multivariable logistic regression analysis that showed an association between ICU admission and the presence of infiltrates in chest radiography (OR = 4.1, IC 95% 1.55–10.87; P = 0.004), previous antibiotic treatment (OR = 5.84, IC 95% 1.32–25.69; P = 0.020), anemia (OR = 7.29, IC 95% 1.38–38.41; P = 0.019) and no initial suspicion of influenza (OR = 8.07, IC 95% 1.48–43.89; P = 0.016). We also found an association between mortality and age (OR = 1.04, IC 95% 1.01–1.09; P = 0.026), the presence of infiltrates in chest radiography (OR = 2.19, IC 95% 1.26–3.81; P = 0.005) and no initial suspicion of influenza (OR = 5.43, IC 95% 1.60–18.47; P = 0.007). Finally, our analysis showed that the variables linked to a length of hospital-stay >5 days were concomitant antibiotic treatment during admission (OR = 14.36, IC 95% 2.23–92.35; P = 0.005) and liver enzymes alterations (OR = 3.01, IC 95% 1.26–7.12; P = 0.013). Resumen: Introducción: La gripe es una enfermedad respiratoria aguda debida a los virus de la influenza A o B que se asocia con un aumento de la morbilidad y la mortalidad en ciertas poblaciones de alto riesgo como niños, ancianos y personas con comorbilidades múltiples. Métodos: Realizamos un análisis retrospectivo transversal que incluyó a todos los pacientes identificados con los códigos ICD10: J10.0, J10.1, J10.8-11.0, J11.1, J11.8. Se incluyeron 258 pacientes. Resultados: La cepa más frecuente fue la influenza A H1N1 (81.8%). Encontramos alteraciones en el hemograma en 163 pacientes (63.2%); estas alteraciones fueron más frecuentes en hombres. En el caso de las enzimas hepáticas, encontramos alteraciones en 155 pacientes (60,1%), que fueron más frecuentes en hombres, fumadores o exfumadores y en casos no-A. 22 pacientes ingresaron en la UCI y 20 fallecieron durante la estancia hospitalaria. Se realizó un análisis de regresión logística multivariable que mostró una asociación entre el ingreso en la UCI y la presencia de infiltrados pulmonares en la radiografía de tórax (OR = 4,1, IC 95% 1,55-10,87; P = 0,004), el tratamiento antibiótico previo (OR = 5,84, IC 95% 1,32-25,69; P = 0,020), la anemia (OR = 7,29, IC 95% 1,38-38,41; P = 0.019) y ausencia de sospecha inicial de gripe (OR = 8,07, IC 95% 1,48-43,89; P = 0,016). También encontramos una asociación entre la mortalidad y la edad (OR = 1,04, IC 95% 1,01-1,09; P = 0,026), la presencia de infiltrados en la radiografía de tórax (OR = 2,19, IC 95% 1,26-3,81; P = 0,005) y ausencia de sospecha inicial de gripe (OR = 5,43, IC 95% 1,60-18,47; P = 0,007). Finalmente, nuestro análisis mostró que las variables relacionadas con una estancia hospitalaria >5 días fueron el tratamiento antibiótico concomitante durante el ingreso (OR = 14,36, IC 95% 2,23-92,35; P = 0,005) y alteraciones de las enzimas hepáticas (OR = 3,01, IC 95% 1,26-7,12; P = 0,013).