Фізика і хімія твердого тіла (May 2024)
Concentration effects in multicomponent metallic solid solutions
In the equiatomic approximation, the dependence of the lattice FCC parameter and the Debye temperature from the atomic fate x of the doping element, which is alternately represented by all elements of a multicomponent solid solution, including high-entropy alloys were obtained. The calculations were carried out on the example of a five-component (based on Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, and Al) or six-component (based on Cu, Ni, Co, Fe, and Cr, Ti) metal systems. It was found that by varying x within x = (0 - 0.3), it is possible to obtain a change in the lattice FCC parameter from 0 to 0.03 nm and the Debye temperatures from 0 to 80 K. The proposed new characteristics are integral and differential concentration coefficients, the magnitude and sign of which can predict concentration dependences for the lattice parameter and the Debye temperature.