The Journal of Engineering (Jul 2019)

Minimising wind power curtailments using OPF considering voltage stability

  • Elis Nycander,
  • Lennar Söder,
  • Robert Eriksson,
  • Camille Hamon



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As the amount of wind power in power systems has increased, it has become necessary to curtail wind power in some high-penetration situations. In order to assess the need for curtailment arising from voltage stability considerations the authors develop a security constrained optimal power flow (SCOPF) for minimising the expected curtailment. The authors find that with a very high wind penetration and wind farms operating at unity power factor curtailment becomes necessary to satisfy voltage limits. In this case, the optimal solution in the studied system is to curtail at a single bus rather than curtailing by a smaller amount at several buses. However, allowing for reactive power production from wind farms reduces the need for curtailments.
