Sociologies (Nov 2018)
Salafisme quiétiste et islamisme
In recent decades, Quietist Salafi movements have been reacting against what was interpreted as a too great politicization of Islam, embodied in the Muslim Brotherhood. No longer interested in such action, adhering to purist Salafi communities may be understood as a return to the “core business” of religion, which means being suspicious of politicization and violence. Such a religiosity has become more visible since the 1990s when Saudi Arabia, the main stronghold of Salafism in the modern world, ended their legitimization of Islamists and Jihadis all over the world, following the major turmoil of the Gulf War. Consequently, regarding those two dynamics – on a micro level, believers no longer interested in activism, and on a macro level, Saudi Arabia calling for a less militant Islam ‒ is it possible to see purist Salafism as a specific version of Postislamism?