Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (May 2008)
Effects of temperature and concentration on thermal properties of cassava starch solutions
The thermal properties and densities of cassava starch solutions (CSS) were studied as functions of temperature (30-50oC) and concentration (20-50%w/w). Thermal conductivity (k) and specific heat (Cp) were determined by line heat sourceand mixture calorimetry methods, respectively, while density ( ) was determined by the pycnometer. The k value was in therange of 0.307-0.333 W/moC, which decreased as temperature and concentration increased. The Cp value was in the rangeof 3.354-4.004 kJ/kgoC, which also decreased as temperature and concentration increased. The value was in the range of1044- 1120 kg/m3, which decreased with increasing temperature but increased with concentration. A multiple regressionequation of thermal conductivity, specific heat and density was developed as a function of temperature and concentration.