JLI: Jurnal Litbang Industri (Dec 2015)

Studi Potensi Pembentukan Biogas Dari Sampah Makanan dan Ko-Substrat Feses Sapi Untuk Energi Listrik Alternatif: Studi Kasus Di Universitas Andalas

  • Ardinal Ardinal,
  • Rima Senditya Gewe,
  • Slamet Raharjo,
  • Iskandar R Iskandar R

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 5, no. 2
pp. 101 – 111


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The potential raw materials for biogas formation through anaerobic treatments available on the campus of Andalas University (Unand) in Padang are the cafeteria’s food waste and cow feces. This study was aimed to look at the effect of cow feces in the formation of biogas from food waste that used a floating drum digester which was conditioned twice. Retention time was 20 days and the pH of packing material was conditioned by adding limestone. The ratio variation of packing materials composition such as food waste and cow feces were 100:0 (control digester), 75:25 (test 1 digester with a C/N ratio 30) and 50:50 (test 2 digester with a C/N ratio 25). The results showed that cumulative volume of biogas in control digester was 0.927 liters with methane gas estimated 591.885 mg/L and did not light when burned. The cumulative volume of biogas in test 1 digester was 13.715 liters with methane gas estimated was 15502.61 mg/L with the reddish color of blue flame. The cumulative volume of biogas in test 2 digester was 10.18 liters with concentration of methane gas was estimated 23297.59 mg/L and with blue color flame.ABSTRAKBahan baku potensial pembentukan biogas melalui pengolahan anaerobik yang tersedia di Kampus Universitas Andalas (Unand) Padang yakni sampah makanan kantin dan feses sapi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penambahan feses sapi dalam pembentukan biogas dari sampah makanan menggunakan floating drum digester yang dikondisikan duplo. Waktu retensi 20 hari dan pH bahan isian dikondisikan dengan menambahkan batu kapur. Variasi rasio komposisi bahan isian berupa sampah makanan dan feses sapi yakni 100:0 (digester kontrol), 75:25 (digester uji 1 dengan rasio C/N 30) dan 50:50 (digester uji 2 dengan rasio C/N 25). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan volume kumulatif biogas digester kontrol yakni 0,927 liter dengan estimasi gas metana 591,885 mg/L serta tidak menyala saat dibakar. Volume kumulatif biogas digester uji 1 yakni 13,715 liter dengan estimasi konsentrasi gas metana 15502,61 mg/L serta warna nyala biru kemerahan. Volume kumulatif biogas digester uji 2 yakni 10,18 liter dengan estimasi konsentrasi gas metana 23297,59 mg/L serta warna nyala biru.
