FME Transactions (Jan 2019)
Defining the ideality of the protective masks by the mathematical modeling method
Technical contradiction occurs when the system improves one parameter, which automatically causes the deterioration of some of its other parameters. In such a situation, instead of usual acceptance of the optimization of the solution to the problem, in inventology - the process of idealization is carried out for finding the ideal final solution for the given problem. It is achieved if the physical contradictions that exist within the technical contradiction are solved. The paper deals with the procedure of mathematical modeling in determining the level of ideality as a criterion for the effectiveness of the Serbian military protective masks model M3 (mark ZM M3) in relation to the Serbian protective mask of the previous generation of the M2FV label (phonic with the drinking water subsystem). The presented mathematical model for the protective mask can be used as a standard for determining the idealness of any engineering system.