Проблемы особо опасных инфекций (Aug 2012)
Evaluation of Immunobiological Properties of Cholera Vibrio O1 and O139 Antigens
Evaluated are immunobiological properties of experimental preparation on the basis of Vibrio cholerae O-antigen, O1 and O139 serogroups on the mouse model: determination of toxicity, analysis of morphological changes in organs, and flow-cytometric monitoring of cell cycle of leukocytes, splenocytes and bone marrow cells. It is demonstrated that O-antigen 100 µg dose per mouse does not initiate either significant changes in parenchymatous organs, or imbalance of apoptosis and proliferation of immune-competent cells. Comprehensive assessment of immunobiological properties of the preparations allows to get an insight about their effect on macroorganism, possibility for further studies and their application as chemical vaccine components.