Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni (Feb 2016)
SEKALA NISKALA: Realitas Kehidupan Dalam Dimensi Rwa Bhineda
 The SekalaNiskalamusicwas inspired by the society social conflicts. It used cross culture concept asmusic applications thatcollaborate between the kwartets and gamelan luwang. It consists of three compositions are: Sekala,Niskala, and Ananda.Purpose of thismusic are: 1) gift knowledge to society obout the sekala niskala concept; 2) interpretations sekala niskalaworldin symbols, such as: tones andmelodys; 3) doing develop to traditionalmusicwith “nowdays creativityâ€; 4) result the newmusic. SekalaNiskalamusic can be useful for society as reflection the sekala niskala concept phenomenon in the publics live.SekalaNiskalamusic is considered newmusic that usingmusic character and semiotics approach. Keywords:music, rwa bhineda, sekala, niskala, ananda.