Dewa Ruci: Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni (Feb 2016)

SEKALA NISKALA: Realitas Kehidupan Dalam Dimensi Rwa Bhineda

  • I Ketut Ardana

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 1


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 The SekalaNiskalamusicwas inspired by the society social conflicts. It used cross culture concept asmusic applications thatcollaborate between the kwartets and gamelan luwang. It consists of three compositions are: Sekala,Niskala, and Ananda.Purpose of thismusic are: 1) gift knowledge to society obout the sekala niskala concept; 2) interpretations sekala niskalaworldin symbols, such as: tones andmelodys; 3) doing develop to traditionalmusicwith “nowdays creativity”; 4) result the newmusic. SekalaNiskalamusic can be useful for society as reflection the sekala niskala concept phenomenon in the publics live.SekalaNiskalamusic is considered newmusic that usingmusic character and semiotics approach. Keywords:music, rwa bhineda, sekala, niskala, ananda.