Interlitteraria (Aug 2021)

Vom historischen Erbe zur selbstbestimmten Sprach(en)politik? Literarische Mehrsprachigkeit in Litauen und Lettland

  • Natalia Blum-Barth

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 1


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From Historical Legacy to Self-Determined Language(s) Policy? Literary Multilingualism in Lithuania and Latvia. The first part of this article looks at Soviet language(s) policy. Two further parts discuss language(s) policy and literary multilingualism in Lithuania and Latvia. The aim is not to provide a differentiated investigation, but to show similarities and differences as well as tendencies in the language(s) politics of the two states from the 19th century to the present in the mirror of literature and to explain them using case studies. In the fourth, concluding part, literary translation is highlighted as one of the formats for implementing multilingualism outside the text with particular focus on the consultative function of the Russian language.
