Dubai Medical Journal (Oct 2021)

Positive Anti-GABAB Receptor Antibodies in a Patient with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Bipolar Affective Disorder

  • Polina A. Sobolevskaia,
  • Boris V. Andreev,
  • Leonid P. Churilov,
  • Tamara V. Fedotkina,
  • Boris Gilburd,
  • Aliya K. Stanova,
  • Vladimir J. Utekhin,
  • Yehuda Shoenfeld



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A kind of autoimmune encephalitis with positive autoantibodies toward the B1 subunit of the gamma-aminobutyric acid-type B receptor is known as anti-GABABR encephalitis. It is an autoimmune brain disorder with typical manifestations of a limbic encephalitis. It can coexist with positive anti-thyroid autoantibodies. We described a 57-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a bipolar affective disorder. The patient had high titers of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies, and she also was positive for anti-GABABR antibodies. There is a question, if this case is a kind of comorbidity of anti-thyroid and anti-brain autoimmunity or is it a single nosological entity – a kind of Hashimoto’s encephalopathy?
