Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Dec 2019)

The effectiveness of the use of a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation for school children 10-11 years old with myopia at the sanatorium stage

  • Victoria Onishchuk,
  • Natalia Gavrilova,
  • Irina Matseyko,
  • Oleksandr Zviriaka

Journal volume & issue
no. 6К
pp. 50 – 56


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Over the past decade, medical statistics have shown a steady increase in the diseases of the visual analyzer in people of different ages. Particularly alarming is the prevalence of eye diseases among children. In Ukraine, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than13% of children have visual analyzer disorders. It should also be noted that themost common and progressive diseasesof the visual analyzer among children and adolescents are myopia (myopia). Ophthalmologists who work on the prevention and treatment of myopia in children believe that the main cause of this disease is a weakening of connective tissue under the influence of insufficiently controlled visual load,whichisaccompaniedbyanincreaseintheanterior-posterioraxisoftheeyeandthinningofthecornea.Theconsequencesof connectivetissueweaknessarenotonlyadecreaseinvisualfunctions,butalsodystrophicchangesinthefundus.Oneoftheeffectiveways to solve this problem, in our opinion, is the integrated use of physicalrehabilitation at the sanatorium stage.After all, the stay of children at thesanatoriumstagewillmakeitpossibletouseawiderrangeofrehabilitationmeans,whichwill contributetounloadingthevisualsystem, eliminating the manifestation of weakening of connective tissue, and improving the physical condition of schoolchildren. Рurposes: to substantiate and develop a comprehensive program of physical rehabilitation using special exercises in schoolchildren 10-11 years old with myopia at the sanatorium stage. Methods of research. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used: a review of literary sources; visometry; refractometry; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. Our studies showed that after 22 days from the start of classes, schoolchildren who were engaged in a sanatorium rehabilitation program improved their visual acuity and refractometry but not significantly. Whereas, the students of the experimental group using the author’s program, which included the developed set of special exercises for eyesight, gymnastic exercises, morning hygienic gymnastics, dosed therapeutic walking in the area with hanging landmarks, outdoor games and relay races with the ball, helped to improve the function of the visual analyzer and indicators physical fitness at the sanatorium stage of physical rehabilitation. Conclusions. The analysis of visual acuity and refractometry in school-aged children with myopia, who were engaged in the author’s physical rehabilitation program, allows us to state an improvement in the function of the visual analyzer and some indicators of physical fitness.
