RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education (Dec 2019)
Digital identity, digital self-identification, digital profile: problem statement
Problem and goal. Article is devoted to a research of the problematic issues concerning digital identity, digital self-identification of the personality, a digital profile. Not only scientists of the humanitarian direction, but also experts in the field of public administration, finance, edu- cation, philosophy and ethics, hi-tech sectors of economy are engaged in search of answers to these questions, because formation of digital identity is a sphere of personal, public, corporate and national security. The purpose of the research described in article is definition on the basis of the analysis of the developed approaches to digitalization of society of possible problems in the field of formation of digital identity of the personality and identification of the main solutions of such problems. Methodology. The analytical research on identification of the questions characterizing the processes of digitalization of society is conducted. The first block of questions: what is digital identity? What its features? How the digital identity in the conditions of network communication is formed? The second block of questions: how there is a digital self-identification of the personality? What consequences of this process for real and virtual (convergent) life of the individual? The third block of questions: what is a digital profile? Who provider of a digital profile? What do new opportunities and risks of use of digital profiles consist in? Results. During the research it is reasoned that in the conditions of the digital economy assuming universal use of big data arrays, the solution of the problem of control over formation of digital identity of the citizen is of particular importance. Since the earliest age, at the person it is necessary to develop skills of formation of digital identity purposefully. The only way to restore complete control over a digital projection of the person is to make all data on the user open for him. Experience of application of the corresponding digital profiles generates the new risks listed in article. Conclusion. Problems of digital identity, digital identification and a digital profile are subjects for serious public and professional and scientific discussion. The digital identity has more and more increasing impact on human life and society. Formation of digital identity is a question of personal, public and national security. The person needs to learn to form the digital identity.