SoftwareX (Dec 2024)
SlicerBatchBrainMRTumorSegmentation: Automating brain tumor segmentation in 3D slicer for improved efficiency and research support
The SlicerBatchBrainMRTumorSegmentation is a graphical user interface (GUI) based Python scripted module within 3D Slicer. Its purpose is to perform automated brain tumour segmentation for numerous patients while preserving data integrity and organization. Through automation, manual intervention at each stage of the Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) toolkit becomes unnecessary, resulting in efficient processing of multiple patient cases. Being an open-source software implementation, the SlicerBatchBrainMRTumorSegmentation is licensed under the BSD (Berkeley Source Distribution) 3-Clause License, facilitating its use by the broader research community. This tool empowers users to explore diverse segmentation approaches, fosters research advancements, and stimulates innovation in the field of brain tumour analysis.