Herri-Arduralaritzazko Euskal Aldizkaria (Dec 2022)

La ordenación del suministro de hidrógeno renovable. En especial: almacenamiento, transporte y distribución(1)


Journal volume & issue
Vol. 124., no. Energía
pp. 17 – 47


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Renewable hydrogen is an energy vector that appears as a keysustainable solution for the decarbonisation of the economy. In this sense, theregulatory framework must recognize its potential, assuming the challengesand opportunities that this energy vector has. Thus, the purpose of this study isto make regulatory proposals that we understand are adequate to achieve the promotion of the renewable hydrogen value chains. In particular, we examinelegal aspects regarding the actions of infrastructure owners and the applicationof the principles of unbundling and third-party access to the networks. We alsohighlight the necessary cross-border cooperation framework that must existbetween owners of the facilities. Likewise, we address the most relevant aspectsof the remuneration regime that must be configured for the owners of thefacilities. And, finally, we examine the current framework for promoting renewablehydrogen in Spain. This promotion framework is built on the basis of competitivecalls that select the pioneering and most innovative projects.
