Revista Transilvană de Ştiinţe Administrative (Jun 2012)

Executarea hotărârilor în materia contenciosului administrativ, de lege lata şi după intrarea în vigoare a Noului Cod de Procedură Civilă

  • Andreea TABACU

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 30
pp. 182 – 194


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The enforcement of the judicial decisions is based on the legality principle, all the proceedings, the authorities entitled to perform in this field, the rights of the participants being provided by the law. The judicial decisions delivered by the administrative courts are enforced by specific regulations, due to the activity of the administrative authorities. The Law no. 554 from 2004 provides a few rules regarding the enforcement of the courts’ decisions and for the rest sends to the Civil procedure code. There are provisions of the New civil procedure code that must be analyzed, because they will apply if they are compatible with the specific administrative relationships.
