Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management (Mar 2019)

Unmet needs in asthma

  • Gruffydd-Jones K

Journal volume & issue
Vol. Volume 15
pp. 409 – 421


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Kevin Gruffydd-Jones Box Surgery, Box, UK Abstract: Despite advances in the diagnosis and management of asthma, uncontrolled disease is still associated with a substantial mortality and morbidity burden. Patients often overestimate their level of asthma control while also reporting that asthma symptoms affect their quality of life and ability to work or study. There is some evidence of success with primary prevention measures in high-risk children and the secondary prevention of asthma in sensitized individuals or those at risk of developing occupational asthma. There are challenges with diagnosis – with under- and overdiagnosis and misdiagnosis being common – and in the treatment of asthma, despite clear treatment guidelines. In particular, severe asthma presents a huge challenge to the clinician, and its complex and heterogeneous nature warrants a personalized medicine approach to match therapies to individual patients. However, the tools for this are currently lacking in primary care. This article reviews the current unmet need in the diagnosis and clinical management of asthma, and provides an overview of the limitations of current therapies. Keywords: β2-agonists, anticholinergics, inhaled corticosteroids, respiratory disease, unmet need, asthma management
