تحقیقات جنگل و صنوبر ایران (Jun 2007)
The germination response of Tilia platyphyllos stratified seed to irrigation and sowing depth
In order to determine the germination rate of Tilia platyphyllos Scop. seed an investigation was carried out in the open field of Natural Resources Faculty of Noor, Tarbiat Modares University (north of Iran). In 0.5 m2 plots and under the shelter, the stratified seeds which were being germinated were sown in 1.5 and 3 cm soil depths and irrigated every day and every two days. The results revealed that contrary to sowing depth, irrigation affected the germination rate. Treatments combination of “Daily irrigation-3 cm sowing depth” and “two-day irrigation-1.5 cm sowing depth” produced the highest and the lowest germination rates, respectively. In each treatment combination, accumulative germination rate enhanced less than one week and did not change afterwards. Generally it can be stated that if for seedling production, Tilia platyphyllos stratified seed (with vernal sowing) is used, treatment combination of “daily irrigation-3 cm sowing depth” (together with shelter), compared to other treatments combination, will produce higher germination rate. This is while that a shelter ensures growing well. The better response can be achieved by earlier sowing (early spring) of germinating seeds. Next investigations will prove this important. germination rate, irrigation, sowing depth, stratification, Tilia platyphyllos Scop.